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Search results

  1. Musk confirms Tesla next-gen low-cost vehicle (Model 2) starts production in 2025

    Musk had these things to say about the next-gen lowcost vehicle ("Model 2" / "Redwood") on today's Q4 2023 Earnings Call “Our company is currently between two major growth waves: the first one began with the global expansion of the Model 3/Y platform and the next one we believe will be...
  2. Entry-level Tesla "Redwood" (Model 2?) production starts mid-2025 [report 1/24/24]

    Here's what Elon Musk had to say on today's Q4 2023 earnings call about the next-gen Tesla low cost vehicle: "We're very far along on our next-gen low cost vehicle; We're really excited about this. This is a revolutionary manufacturing system. Far more advanced than any other in the world." He...